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HomeVictorian Government set to expand surgical abortion access in public hospitals

Victorian Government set to expand surgical abortion access in public hospitals

29 Nov, 2023 | Advocacy, Equity and access, Media

The moves by the Victorian Government to expand surgical abortion access in more public hospitals has been welcomed by MSI Australia.

Greg Johnson, Managing Director of MSI Australia, backed the moves following the announcement of a new service at Box Hill.

“15 years post-decriminalisation of abortion in Victoria, we’re finally seeing these critical services extend beyond major inner city hospitals ” he said.

“It is also 8 years since Victoria passed legislation to introduce safe access zones around abortion providers, ensuring all Victorians can access lawful abortion care safely and privately, and free from unnecessary harassment and intimidation.

“MSI Australia has been providing around 2000 surgical abortions for Victorians each year throughout this time and we look forward to partnering with Eastern Health and other public health services as surgical abortion care is often time critical and capacity at various sites will be limited.”

Mr Johnson noted that MSI Australia contracts and partners with public health services in WA, Qld and ACT to provide free access to abortion care for public patients.

Lily Manuel, Nurse Unit Manager at MSI’s St Kilda surgical clinic, also welcomed the news.

“We are grateful to Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas for her leadership on this issue,” she said.

“Expanding abortion service access will help many people who face barriers due to geographic location.

“No matter where you live, your socioeconomic status, or your visa status, people deserve this care without judgment.

“Abortion care is healthcare, plain and simple.”

MSI Australia is Australia’s leading specialised non-profit advocate and provider of abortion and contraception services.

MSI has a Choice Fund to provide support for people experiencing financial hardship or other barriers to abortion and contraception care. Each year we support hundreds of very disadvantaged people in the community to gain access to care. You can donate here.

Eastern Health has begun offering surgical termination services at Box Hill, with Peninsula Health and Western Health to follow in coming months. You can read the Victorian Government’s media release here.

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For further information contact Anna Jabour on 0428 396 391.

MSI Australia is the only national not-for-profit provider of sexual and reproductive health services including permanent and long-acting reversible contraception and abortion care. For more information on our clinic network visit