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HomeVasectomy 25 to 29 years

Vasectomy for 25- to 29-year-old men with no biological children

Mandatory counselling session

If you want a vasectomy, are aged 25-29 yrs and do not have biological children, you must attend a counselling session with us. We respect your reasons for seeking a vasectomy. The intent of this mandatory session is to ensure you are fully informed. A Pro Choice Counsellor will discuss with you permanency and reversibility, alternatives to vasectomy, and talk through possible psychosocial impacts of the decision. To book a Vasectomy counselling session: First make a Pre-Counselling 15 min appointment here. We ring you at that time to obtain information the Counsellor requires, and book you a counselling session; usually this will be within 10 business days. For Medical advice: Counsellors are unable to provide medical advice. If you want this, please book a Nurse appointment here.