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HomeNational senate inquiry to investigate abortion access inequities

National senate inquiry to investigate abortion access inequities

28 Sep, 2022 | Advocacy, Equity and access, Media, Reproductive coercion, Safe access

Abortion access inequities need to be addressed at a national level.

While abortion has been partly decriminalised throughout the country, access remains a postcode lottery.

MSI Australia Managing Director Jamal Hakim said he welcomed a national senate inquiry into abortion access.

“Roe v Wade in the United States has highlighted the ongoing abortion access issues in Australia,” he said.

“Abortion access in Australia remains a postcode lottery, particularly for women and pregnant people in regional and remote communities.

“The 2020 National Women’s Health Strategy commits to universal abortion access with bipartisan support. Sadly, little investment has seen to date.

“A federal senate inquiry into what can be done at a national level to alleviate the physical and financial barriers to access contraceptives, abortion care and other sexual and reproductive healthcare, with options to improve the quality and availability services is a welcome move.

“It’s been fantastic for the Ministers for Women to platform reproductive rights, now it’s time for the Ministers for Health to progress broader issues of health equity.

“We know the federal Labor Government is already looking at this issue and would like to see the national harmonisation of abortion laws and regulations alongside an MBS item number review for medical and surgical abortion.

“We continually evolve our models of care to make it easier for women and pregnant people to access our services.

“Following abortion law reform in SA earlier this year, our teleabortion service went national for the first time.

“This means that wherever people live throughout Australia, they can contact MSI Australia for a telehealth appointment and if they are eligible, they can be couriered medical abortion medication.

“We will always call for safe, compassionate and universal abortion care.”

Women and pregnant people can book a teleabortion here.

The Australian Abortion Access Scorecard can be viewed here. View a summary of State and Territory abortion laws here.

Donate to the Choice Fund to support people experiencing financial hardship or other barriers to healthcare here.

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For further information contact Anna Jabour on 0428 396 391.

MSI Australia is a national not for profit provider of sexual and reproductive health services including permanent and long-acting reversible contraception and abortion care. For more information on our clinic network visit