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HomeMSI Australia acknowledges National Sorry Day and calls for action

MSI Australia acknowledges National Sorry Day and calls for action

26 May, 2022 | Advocacy, Media, Reproductive coercion

26 May 2022: MSI Australia has today acknowledged National Sorry Day, and called for the recommendations of the Bringing Them Home Report to be implemented.

Today marks 25 years since the Bringing Them Home Report was handed down and tabled in the Australian Parliament.

MSI Australia Managing Director Jamal Hakim said the report was a stark reminder of Australia’s history.

“Today we acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were forcibly removed from their families, land and cultures,” he said.

“It is an important day to reflect on Australia’s true history and the laws sanctioned by previous Australian governments.

“The Bringing Them Home report laid bare the experiences of Stolen Generations – stories that were consistently denied and ignored.

“There is still a long way to go to heal the nation, with multiple reports and inquiries over the last 25 years resulting in very little tangible action.

“The recommendations from the Bringing Them Home report have still not been implemented and we join the call to the government to make them a priority.

“The Stolen Generations were taken from their families, with some facing reproductive coercion and sexual violence.

“The families of the stolen generations are still experiencing issues related to the trauma they experienced today.

“The Albanese Government has made Indigenous affairs reform a priority and we support his full commitment to the Uluru Statement of the Heart and referendum for a First Nations Voice to Parliament.

“As we acknowledge Sorry Day and move into Reconciliation Week further action needs to happen, including the implementation of recommendations from the Bringing Them Home report.”

MSI Australia is committed to reconciliation and has completed a Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan and is working toward an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.

You can read the Bringing Them Home report here.

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For further information contact Anna Jabour, MSI Australia, 0428 396 391.

MSI Australia is a national not for profit provider of sexual and reproductive health services including permanent and long-acting reversible contraception and abortion care. For more information on our clinic network visit