MSI Australia welcomes the High Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of safe access zones in Victoria and Tasmania.
Acting CEO of MSI Australia, Jamal Hakim said that “today’s High Court ruling demonstrates that women’s health, safety and privacy is absolutely critical when accessing healthcare services.”
“A lot of effort has gone into the defence of these zones because they are so important for patients and for staff who work in our clinics. We would like to thank all the individuals and organisations who have worked so hard to defend these zones.”
MSI Australia Medical director, Dr Philip Goldstone, said today’s High Court ruling is a win for women and for healthcare providers working in abortion care.”
“As a doctor with more than 20 years’ experience in this field, I know that these zones are a matter of health, safety and well-being.”
MSI Australia now looks forward to working with the McGowan Government to makes these zones a reality in Western Australia, so that women and healthcare professionals are afforded the same protection as other states.