Refer a patient to MSI Australia
In all other states and territories, a referral is not compulsory, but providing one, along with any relevant clinical investigations, can help facilitate timely access to care.
There are several ways to refer a patient to MSI Australia. In Western Australia, it is a legal requirement for any person seeking an abortion to have a letter stating they discussed their decision to terminate with their doctor.
In most other states and territories, clients can self-refer but it can assist with timely access to have a formal referral and any clinical investigations performed provided to us.
We have the following options, to help make referring to our services simple and easy.
Paper-based referrals
- Order printed referral pads using our online Clinic resources order form
- Download and print a referral form (All patients)
- Download and print a WA public patient referral form (WA Health catchment patients only)
Your guide to referring to family planning services
Whether you refer your patients on, or prefer to provide medical abortion, vasectomy or contraception services through your own practice, our Guide to referring to family planning services can help to know what the concerns of patients are when accessing this type of care.
Do not open the following templates in MS Word, as this will prevent them from working properly.
Please right-click on the link and select the download option or ‘Save As’.
Referrals using your practice management system
You can upload referral templates into your system using the rich text format documents below.
- Best Practice RTF
- Genie 5KB ZIP
- Medical Director RTF
- ZedMed RTF
To download, please right-click on the link and select the download option or ‘Save As’.