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Clinical Services: Sedation information

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Clinical Services: Sedation information

PDF versions available: Clinical Services: Sedation information (ENG, PDF 1.2MB)

Ref code: 1704-MSIAU-240913

This booklet contains information about your sedation. Read this information carefully and keep it to look at later on. Ask us if you have any questions after reading it.

Things to know


  • It is important that you understand the process, any risks, and that you are sure about your choice.
  • Risks of sedation are described in the risks section.
  • We will ask you to give your written consent to being sedated
  • It is important that you understand our fees and charges so you can give informed financial consent.
Important information

If you do not understand anything in this document, if you have any questions, or if you feel that you’re being pressured or coerced, please let us know.

Interpreter services

Please let us know if you need a telephone interpreter to help you understand any of this information. If you need one at any time before or after your procedure, you can call: TIS National on 131 450 and ask to be connected to us on 1300 003 707.

Accessibility statement

An accessible text version of this document is available online at

Make a complaint or provide feedback

If you would like to provide any feedback, you can:

  • talk to any staff member at the clinic
  • write directly to the clinic
  • call our National Contact Centre on 1300 003 707
  • use our feedback form on the homepage of our website.

If we don’t satisfy your concerns, you may also escalate your complaint to the independent body in your State.


Types of anaesthesia

The type of anaesthetic you choose may depend on:

  • The type of procedure you are having
  • The clinic where you are having your procedure
  • Any medical conditions you may have
  • Your personal preference.

Local anaesthetic

An injection is given to numb part of your body. You will be awake and aware of what is happening. You may experience some discomfort during the procedure.

IV sedation

A needle is used to put a thin plastic tube into a vein in the back of your hand or arm. Small amounts of medicine are given to make you relaxed and sleepy. In most cases, you will not be aware during the procedure, or remember it afterwards.

Conscious sedation

Sometimes a lighter level of sedation is needed or preferred. You will still be sleepy, but not unconscious, and may have some awareness of what is happening.

General anaethesia

This is where you are unconscious and won’t feel pain during a procedure. Medicines are given in the same way as with sedation or breathed in as gases. You will need help breathing by a mask or breathing tube. We only use this type of anaesthesia for tubal ligation (tying tubes).

IV sedation and risks

This is the most common anaesthesia for surgical abortion. It is also sometimes used with IUD insertion and vasectomy.

A specially trained doctor will check your health and discuss sedation and any risks. This doctor will give you your sedation and look after you during your procedure.

Please tell your doctor if you have ever had any problems with previous anaesthetics.

Modern sedation is generally very safe but there some risks.

Allergic reaction

You may have an allergic reaction to the sedation medicines. This is rare. Please tell the doctor about any previous allergic reactions.

Airway spasm

Your airway may get tight making it hard to breathe. Tell the doctor if you smoke, have asthma or have recently had a cold or chest infection as these may increase risk.


You may vomit and inhale fluid from the stomach. This can affect your breathing and cause pneumonia. It is very important that you follow the fasting instructions given. This will lower the risk of aspiration when under sedation.

Important information

There may be other rare risks that affect the heart or lungs. There may also be risks specific to you. Your doctor will discuss any other relevant risks with you.

Preparing for IV sedation

Important information

Remember: If you choose to have IV sedation, a support person must take you home and stay with you until the day after your procedure.

Fasting guidelines

If you’re having IV sedation, you must follow these rules.

If you don’t follow these rules, we will have to delay or cancel your appointment.

Preparing for your appointment

  • 24 hours before your appointment
    • Do not drink alcohol
    • Do not take illegal drugs
  • 6 hours before your appointment
    • Do not eat anything (including lollies and gum). You can continue to drink 1 small glass of water per hour
  • 2 hours before your appointment
    • Do not drink anything

You can take your regular medication with a small glass of water unless one of our staff have asked you not to.

After IV sedation

You cannot have IV sedation unless you understand and have arranged the following:

  • After your procedure
    • Your support person must come to the clinic to collect you
    • Your support person must take you home (you cannot take a taxi/Uber home alone)
  • Overnight after your procedure
    • Your support person needs to stay with you overnight after your procedure
  • For 24 hours after your procedure
    • Do not drive or operate machinery
    • Do not drink alcohol
    • Do not make any important or legal decisions

Breastfeeding after sedation

If you are currently breastfeeding, ensure that you have prepared enough in advance to cover the time that you will be attending the clinic. For the medications used in our clinics, no waiting times or discarding is necessary. After your procedure you can continue breastfeeding as normal.

Free aftercare

Our aftercare phone service connects you to experienced registered nurses, 8am-5pm AEST weekdays.

Call our aftercare nurses on 1300 888 022 if you have any concerns

Your Healthcare Rights

MSI Australia adopts the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The Charter provides a framework of client rights which allows clients, families, carers and services providing health care to work together towards a safe and high quality health system, achieving the best possible outcomes.

The Charter is guided by the following principles:

  • Access
  • Safety
  • Respect
  • Partnership
  • Information
  • Privacy
  • Give feedback

As a client of MSI Australia, you have a right to:

  • be treated in a professional, courteous, and caring manner
  • be respected regardless of your gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, and cultural and linguistic diversity
  • have your concerns, complaints and suggestions taken seriously.

If we don't satisfy your concerns, you may also escalate your complaint to the independent body in your State/Territory.

More information about your healthcare rights and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights is available on An accessible version of the Charter is also available.

This page last edited: September 2024
Ref: 1704-MSIAU-240913