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HomeAbout usOur impact

Our impact

Health equity and universal access for all

MSI Australia’s Strategic Plan

MSI Australia focuses on advocating for health equity and universal access to sexual and reproductive health services for all, regardless of the postcode people live in.

For over 20 years, we have supported countless people to access essential healthcare that should be provided through public funding pathways. Our core services are abortion and contraception care but we are not only a provider of clinical services.

  • We are an advocacy organisation
  • We work on policy and legislative change
  • We provide information to the public
  • We support people through counselling and mental health awareness and services
  • We work to reduce the stigma, discrimination and stress related to access to abortion care and contraception.

    Read the MSI Australia
    Strategic Plan 2024-2030

Our impact

As a non-profit organisation, MSI Australia strategically invests in sexual and reproductive health care to maximise impact. Accountability to our consumers, partners, broader communities and, foremost, ourselves requires analysing our progress, restraints, reach and influence.

We released our first Impact Report in 2018. Each year, we will track our progress to make sure we continually improve how we provide services to the communities we serve.