Abortion laws in Australia differ across States and Territories. Here, we summarise abortion laws across Australia to help you understand your abortion options. (Information accurate at time of publication: April 2024).
Australian Capital Territory (ACT): is abortion legal in ACT?
Both medical and surgical abortion is legal in the ACT when provided by a medical professional. Gestation limits are not specified.
New South Wales (NSW): is abortion legal in NSW?
Abortion is legal up to 22 weeks gestation, or with the approval of two doctors beyond this gestation. Safe access zones of 150 metres are in place around abortion clinics.
Northern Territory (NT): is abortion legal in NT?
Abortion is legal up to 14 weeks and under 24 weeks with the approval of two doctors. It is illegal to protest within 150m of an abortion service.
Queensland (QLD): is abortion legal in QLD?
Abortion is legal up to 22 weeks, and beyond 22 weeks with the approval of two doctors. 150 metre safe access zones are in place around abortion clinics.
South Australia (SA): is abortion legal in SA?
Legal abortions under 23 weeks gestation require the approval of two doctors in South Australia. Residents of South Australia can have a medical or surgical abortion without a referral through State health services, in a prescribed hospital setting. More detailed information can be found at South Australian Health.
Abortion law is currently under review and changes are expected.
Tasmania (TAS): is abortion legal in TAS?
Abortion is legal up to 16 weeks’ gestation, and beyond 16 weeks with the approval of two doctors. It is illegal to protest within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.
Victoria (VIC): is abortion legal in VIC?
Abortion is legal on request up to 24 weeks, and is legal beyond 24 weeks with the approval of two doctors. It is illegal to protest within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.
Western Australia (WA): is abortion legal in WA?
Abortion is legal up to 23 weeks with some restrictions, particularly for those under 16 years of age. Access to abortion is very restricted after 20 weeks’ gestation and may require interstate travel. It is illegal to protest within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.